Monday, March 31, 2008

Street Scene - Centro Havana

Keywords: Havana, Cuba, Street, Scene, Urban

Just before "Clouds Attack" !

I captured this scene just some minutes before "Couds Attack !"
Keywords: White Sands National Monument, Sand, Desert, Couds, Landscape

Untouched !

Untouched - that's really the impression when you are walking through this breathtaking area.

Enjoy it ;-)



Keywords: White Sands National Monument, Desert, White, Abstract

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Waiting for ...

Keywords: Havana, Cuba, Chair, Urban

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Corrugated Iron Sheet / Havana

I captured this old iron sheet in Centro Habana (Cuba).
Keywords: Iron sheet, Cuba, Havana, Urban

Thursday, March 27, 2008

White Sands National Monument

Enjoy it ;-)



Keywords: White Sands National Monument, Desert, Clouds

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Proud !



Keywords: US, New York, Statue of Liberty , NYC, Proud

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

2 x 3



Keywords: Bench, City, Abstract

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Snow

It's Easter and I can't find any Easter eggs... because we got some snow.
Keywords: Winter, Snow, Easter

Flatiron Building



Keywords: New York, Flatirion Building, Urban, City

Backroad Bench

Walking through darkness but having no plan - there is a bench - should I take a rest ?

I photographed this scene somewhere downtown in New York City but I didn't take a rest ;-)



Keywords: New York, Backroad, Bench, Downtown, City, Urban

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ultimate Decay

The destruction is progressing at high speed and the beautiful architecture will disappear. It's a pitty.



Keywords: Havana, Cuba, Architecture, Urban


3 = 3 apartments
6 = 6 rooms
1 = 1 roof



Keywords: Havana, Cuba, City, Urban, old Cars

Havana Car HDT 458 - Broken Windshield

The car HDT 458 has a damaged windshield ..... but the driver's side is ok ;-)



Keywords: Havana, Cuba, City, Urban, old Cars

Prado - Havana

Considered by many visitors the Paseo del Prado is one of the most beautiful streets in Havana.
Enjoy it ;-)
Keywords: Havana, Cuba, City, Pano, Prado, Urban

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Dome of the Capitolio Nacional - Havana

This is just a selection of the beautiful dome of the Capitolio Nacional - Havana. El Capitolio, or the National Capitol Building in Havana, Cuba, was the seat of government in Cuba until the Cuban Revolution in 1959, and is now home to the Cuban Academy of Sciences.

Enjoy it ;-)



Keywords: Havana, Cuba, City, Urban, Capitolio, Nacional, Dome

Pale Green Havana Car

Everything was just perfect. The big clouds and this pale green Havana car.

Enjoy it ;-)



Keywords: Havana, Cuba, City, Urban, old Cars

Havana Car with no License

Keywords: Havana, Cuba, City, Urban, old Cars

Havana Cars

Enjoy it ;-)



Keywords: Havana, Cuba, City, Urban, old Cars

Friday, March 21, 2008

Taxi Interior / Havana

The old Havana taxis are 40 years old or even more and they are still frequently used.

Keywords: Havana, Cuba, City, Urban, old Cars

Old Havana Car - HFU 009

I like these old cars, it seems that you can find these "rolling-wrecks" all over the place. Don't ask about the pollution - it's like another world. If they start the engine or just accelerate a little bit the sky is dark blue. The oil must be pretty cheap ;-)

Enjoy it ;-)



Keywords: Havana, Cuba, City, Urban, old Cars

Bepi Sua likes it Colorful

What a colorful house ! ....but where is this house located? Well, there is only one place on earth with such colorful housewalls ...... yes - it's Burano.

Enjoy it ;-)



Keywords: Venice, Burano, Abstract, House, Color

Esplanade - Orange

The Esplanade is a waterfront location just north of the mouth of the Singapore River in downtown Singapore and it's also the name of the world famous theatres on the bay which took its name from this location.
Keywords: Orange, Singapore, Esplanade, Urban, Abstract

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Giuseppe's Home

Giuseppe who works in a cigar factory isn't at home now. But it was always a pleasure to talk with him and his cigars and all the other things.



Keywords: Havana, Cuba, Urban, Door,

Where are the Kids?

What a great basketball field. It's located between two old houses in the middle of the heart of La Habana Vieja. But where are the kids?

Ahhh, they are at schools!



Keywords: Havana, Cuba, Urban, Basketball

Havana Wall Art

Photographed somewhere in Centro Habana.
Regards, Gerry

The 28. September is over .....

The Cuban people celebrate the annivesary of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) in Old Havana on September 28. The visitors are gone ... but the chair is still there ....

By the way, the CDRs are assigned to every block of houses in Cuba to take care of medical assistance if needed and guarding neighbourhoods by controlling people's movements and activities.

Kind regards,


Keywords: Havana, Cuba, Chair, CDR, Urban

Lightroom 1.4 is buggy -> back to 1.3.1

The Lightroom 1.4 update has been temporarily removed from the web site in order to allow time for additional investigation into several bugs that were discovered after the update was released. At this time, we recommend uninstalling Lightroom 1.4 and installing Lightroom 1.3.1.

The following download links have been redirected to link to the Lightroom 1.3.1 download regardless of the version number indicated. Additional details regarding the Lightroom 1.4 update will be posted to

Source: Adobe

Strawberry and Chocolate

Another beautiful and famous staircase in Centro Habana that leads you to the place where the film “Strawberry and Chocolate” (Spanish: Fresa y Chocolate) was made.

The award winning film “Strawberry and Chocolate” is a Cuban-Spanish-Mexican co-produced film, directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea and Juan Carlos Tabío, based on the short story "The Wolf, The Forest and the New Man" written by Senel Paz in 1990. Senel Paz also wrote the screenplay for the film.

By the way, the staircase will lead you to a fantastic restaurant “Paladar La Guarida”. So if you stay in Havana that’s the place to go out for dinner ;-)

Enjoy it !



Keywords: Havana, Cuba, Staircase, Chocolate, Strawberry, Urban

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Kids are gone....

Where are the kids? No Kids - no Live - there is only a strange silence.....

Kind regards,


Keywords: Havana, Cuba, Silence

Piedro's Car

This is Piedro's car and he is proud to own such a great US car. He got the car from his grandfather and maybe he will pass it to his son. Maybe...
Kind regards,
Keywords: Cuba, Havana, Car, City

One Bottle Vinegare !

A local Cuban grocery store offers you a bottle of Vinegare! Do you like a salad tonight?
Keywords: Havana, Cuba, Store, Grocery

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Moody and Red Light Staircase

The same scene but developed with different Lightroom settings. So, what do you think? Which one do you prefer?

Keywords: Havana, Cuba, Abstract

The old Havana Staircase

The old Havana’s staircases are amazing. The high walls are normally covered with dozen of layers of various colors and the walls as well as the concrete are marked by life. Each staircase has its own secret and sometimes some names, love stories or political shibboleths can be deciphered.



Keywords: Havana, City, Staircase, Cuba, Abstract

Saturday, March 15, 2008

José's World

This is José who lives in a 1 ½ bedroom apartment in the heart of Habana Vieja. He always sits in front of his apartment (because his apartment has now window) and loves to talk with the people who are passing by.

José’s apartment is well organized and he cleans the apartment and the entrance every morning.

José's TV-Chair:

José's Entertainment System: He doesn't need a remote control because there is only one channel. But it works !

Well, José Refrigerator offers you not a lot but he has cold water and some left over food from the day before.

José's Chicca is always close to him ;-)


Keywords: Havana, Cuba, Urban, Shooting, City

Friday, March 14, 2008

Lightroom 1.4 and Camera Raw 4.4

The Lightroom 1.4 update hase been posted to the following locations:

The updates include support for the following new camera models:
  • Canon: EOS 450D (Digital Rebel XSi/EOS Kiss X2)
  • Fujifilm:S100FS
  • Nikon: D60
  • Olympus: SP-570 UZ
  • Pentax: K20D
  • Pentax: K200D
  • Sony: A200
  • Sony: A300
  • Sony: A350

Lightroom 1.4 and Camera Raw 4.4 include corrections for the following issues:

  • Previous camera profiles identified in the Calibrate panel of the Develop module may have displayed poor results at extreme ends of the temperature and tint ranges. A new camera profile identified as Camera Raw 4.4 is now available and will be applied by default to all images without existing Camera Raw or Lightroom settings. The creation of new default profiles will also include the updated Camera Raw 4.4 profile. Images edited in Camera Raw or Lightroom with earlier profiles will retain the earlier profile value and visual appearance.
  • In previous grayscale conversions the Color Noise setting was disabled and this could result in an image with excessive noise when grayscale channel mixing is applied. Both the tool and effect have been enabled in Lightroom 1.4 and Camera Raw 4.4 providing the ability to reduce noise in grayscale conversions. In order to return to the prior visual appearance, Color Noise reduction can be set to zero.

Lightroom 1.4 includes corrections for the following issue:

  • Compatibility with legacy printer drivers on OS X 10.5 (Leopard) has been updated.

(source: adobe web page)

Keywords: Lightroom, Adobe, Canon

Monday, March 3, 2008

It's time....

..for a break now! I’ll take some time off and fly to Havana (Cuba) tomorrow morning.

Hey, I wish you all a good time.

Take care.


Saturday, March 1, 2008

Do you speak Orange ?

Well, I don’t speak orange but I like the color orange. Both scenes were photographed in Singapore and colorized in photoshop. As mentioned in my previous post, the color "Orange" is a visually dominant power color.... which energizes people and may stimulate enthusiasm and creativity....

I like the power of orange and you?

Enjoy orange ;-)

