Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Color Game at la Défense.....

-> after the New Year party ....

-> before the New Year party ....

La Défense is a fantastic place to practice a little bit the "abstract" photography .... ;-)

Well, this is my "last" contribution for this year. It's time to get ready for the New Year party ;-)))

Take care and I wish you all the best ... see you next year!

Regards, Gerry

Wanna see more of Paris ?  -> just follow the link ;-)

Keywords: France, Paris, La Défense, Abstract, Color

Full Moon in Paris

A chilly early spring night was a perfect moment to photograph this place without tourists..... and to my luck there was water in the pools ;-)

Some technical information:

- Canon 1ds Mark III
- Canon 16-35mm f2.8 II (16mm)
- ISO 100
- 30 sec
- f22
- developed in Lightroom 2.2

Enjoy the 30 second view.

Wanna see more of Paris?  -> Just follow the link ;-)

Regards, Gerry

Keywords: France, Paris, Louvre, Night 


Paris - Window-Seat

.... waiting for the next exhausted visitor ... Photographed somewhere in Paris.

Some technical information:

- Canon 1ds Mark III
- Canon 16-35mm f2.8 II (at 23mm)
- ISO 400
- f14
- 1/30 sec
- developed in Lightroom 2.2



Keywords:  France, Paris, Window, Chair

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Paris - The golden House

I'm  always fascinated by the construction of the world famous Louvre - especially at night!

Some technical information:

- Canon 1ds Mark III
- Canon 24-70mm 2.8 (at 35mm)
- ISO 160
- f16.0
- 6.0 sec
- developed in Lightroom 2.2



Keywords: France, Paris, Louvre, Night

Paris - Stop breathing for 30 seconds

Well, I didn't have to stop breathing for about 30 seconds .... because I used a tripod ;-) Nevertheless, Paris at night is always exiting.

Some technical information:

- Canon 1ds Mark III
- Canon 70-200mm f2.8 IS (at 110mm)
- ISO 100
- f8.0
- 30 sec
 - developed in Lightroom 2.2

Wanna see more of Paris?  -> just follow the link ;-)

Enjoy Paris!



Keywords: France, Paris, Eiffel Tower 

Monday, December 29, 2008

Lavender - the Purple Waves of Provence

A lavender field close to Sault with its marvellous fragrance. 

Some technical information:

- Canon 1ds Mark III
- Canon 70-200mm 2.8 IS (at 80mm)
- 1/60 sec
- f22
- ISO 160
- Pano of 3
- developed in Lightroom 2.2
- stitched in PtGui

wanna see more Provence photographs?  -> just follow this link ;-)



Keywords: France, Provence, Fragrance, Lavender

Provence - Corn-Field

Just browsed over my Provence photographs and stopped by this panorama.

Some technical information:

- Canon 1ds Mark III
- Canon 16-35mm f2.8 II (at 16mm)
- Pano of 10
- 1/250 sec
- f18
- ISO 250
- developed in Lightroom 2.2
- stitched in PtGui

Enjoy the corn field.



Keywords: France, Provence, Corn Field 

Ploumanac'h - 30 seconds

I was amazed by the pink granit rocks around the Ploumanac'h Lighthouse. I photographed this scene long after sunset during high tide. That's why a long exposure of 30 seconds was required.  The B&W development even intensified the structure of the pink granit. 

Some technical information:

- Canon 1ds Mark III
- Canon 24-70mm f2.8 (at 24mm)
- ISO 100
- 30 sec
- f18
- developed in Lightroom 2.2

-> wanna see more photographs of this area? -> just follow the link ;-)



Keywords: France, Brittany, Bretagne, Ploumanac'h, pink granit, lighthouse, Coast

Friday, December 26, 2008

Matterhorn / Riffelsee

Another Matterhorn scene but this time a B&W version. 

- Canon 1ds Mark III
- Canon 24-70mm f2.8 (at 27mm)
- no Filters
- ISO 160
- f14
- 30 sec
- developed in Lightroom 2.2

Enjoy the silence.



Keywords: Switzerland, Matterhorn, Riffelsee, Reflection, Lake, Mountain, Zermatt

Castor and Pollux

The mountains Castor and Pollux are in the Pennine Alps on the border between Switzerland and Italy. 

I photographed this scene an hour after sunset.



Keywords: Switzerland, Alps, Mountain, Castor, Pollux

Bretagne - Rock Garden

Ohh - I like this area so much, that I'm considering to go back again. Beside the interesting scenery the weather conditions are changing all the time which makes it even more interesting to photograph the same scene again and again. 

Some technical information:

- Canon 1ds Mark III
- Canon 24-70mm f2.8 (at 38mm)
- ISO 100
- f 18
- 8 sec
- ND 0.6
- developed in Lightroom 2.2

Enjoy the rock garden.



Keywords: France, Brittany, Bretagne, Rock, Garden, Coast, Landscape 

Thursday, December 25, 2008

White Desert / Egypt

White desert scenery ....



Keywords: Egypt, Desert, White Desert

Waiting for the last Tide




Wanna see more Brittany Photographs?  -> just follow the link ;-)

Keywords: France, Brittany, Coast, Tide, Boat

Tide change at Bretagne Coast

The rough Brittany coast is always worth to stop for a photograph.

Some technical information:

- Canon 1ds Mark III
- Canon 24-70mm 2.8 (at 24mm)
- ISO 100
- F22
- 15 sec
- ND 0.6
- developed in Lightroom 2.2

Wanna see more Brittany photographs? -> just follow the links ;-)



Keywords: France, Brittany, Coast

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Season's Greetings

Frohe Weihnachten und 
ein glückliches neues Jahr

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo

Joyeux Noël et bonne année

Feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo

Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar

With warm regards, 


Saturday, December 20, 2008

5 days to go... get ready for Christmas. Well, the Christmas tree is here ... but where are the  presents? 

Some technical information:

- Canon 1ds Mark III
- Canon 16-35mm f2.8 II (at 25mm)
- ISO 100
- 1/4 sec
- f22
- developed in Lightroom 2.2



Keywords: Switzerland, Winter, Christmas, Tree

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Winter is here!

The Winter is definitely here. 

Some technical information:

- Canon 1ds Mark III
- Canon 24-70mm 2.8 (at 51mm)
- ISO 100
- Pano 0f 5
- f22
- 1.6sec
- stitched in PtGui
- developed in Lightroom 2.2

Enjoy the Winter season.

Keywords: Winter, Snow, Forest

White Frost

A foggy cold night produced a surreal white frost landscape which I really love. It looks like another world.

Some technical information:

- Canon 1ds Mark III
- Canon 24-70mm 2.8 (at 46mm)
- ISO 100
- 1/60 sec
- f 8.0
- developed in Lightroom 2.1

Wanna see more? Just follow the link ;-)



Keywords: Winter, White Frost, abstract

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Snow-Covered Fir-Tree Forest

We got some snow and the nearby fir-tree forest is like a fairyland. Well, this is just a slow shutter speed exposure with a vertical swing ;-)

Some technical information:

- Canon 1ds Mark III
- Canon 24-70mm f2.8 (at 24mm)
- ISO 100
- 1/2 sec
- f14
- developed in Lightroom 2.1
- no PS

wanna see more winter photographs? Just follow the link ;-)



Keywords: Winter, Abstract, Rush

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Burano - Blue

Blue is the color of sky and water and also the color of this Burano wall.... and the wetness was the art director of the pattern.

Some technical information:

- Canon 1ds Mark III
- Canon 24-70mm 2.8 (at 70mm)
- ISO 100
- 1/3 sec
- f22
- developed in Lightroom 2.1

Wanna see more of Burano? Just follow the link ;-)



Keywords: Italy, Venice, Burano, Blue  

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Bizarre World of the Office Buildings

This is a close-up of  the Chicago's bizarre office world. Well, it's a little bit a strong contrast to the Venice architecture but I love them both. The modern and the "old" world.



Keywords:  USA, Chicago, Office world, Architecture 

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The other side of Burano

There is always an other side .... but the other side of Burano is colorful as well ;-)

Enjoy the various shades of colors.

Some technical information.

- Canon 1ds Mark III
- Canon 24-70mm f2.8 (at 48mm)
- ISO 100
- f16
- 1/6 sec
- developed in Lightroom 2.1

wanna see more of Burano? Just follow the link ;-)



Keywords: Italy, Venice, Burano, Color, Boat

Burano - Orange

As already explained in a previous post, Burano is the "Color Photographer's Mecca". It's really an exceptional colorful place. You can spend hours and hours there and creating new versions of colorful photographs. 

I like orange ... and you?


Regards, Gerry

Keywords: Italy, Venice, Burano, Orange


Foggy, rainy and windy Venice Lagoon

I photographed the foggy, rainy and windy Venice Lagoon during a boat trip to Burano.

Some technical information:

- Canon 1ds Mark III
- Canon 70-200mm f2.8 IS (at 200mm)
- ISO 100
- f8.0
- 1/100 sec
- high-key development in Lightroom 2.1

Enjoy the ride.




Keywords: Italy, Venice, Lagoon, Burano

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Midnight Staircase

Photographed somewhere in Havana downtown. 

Wanna see more Havana photographs? 


Some technical information:

- Canon 1ds Mark III
- Canon 16-35mm f2.8 (at 16mm)
- ISO 400
- f 8.0
- 1/160 sec
- developed in Lightroom 2.1



Friday, December 5, 2008

Venice - the blue Lagoon

 That's the reason why they call Venice the blue Lagoon. The blue ist really amazing.

Enjoy the delicate morning light.


Some technical information:

- Canon 1ds Mark III
- Canon 24-70mm 2.8. (at 67mm)
- ISO 200
- f 9.0
- 15 sec
- developed in Lightroom 2.1



Keywords: Italy, Venice, Lagoon, Blue