Sunday, January 27, 2008

San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, Italy

San Giorgio Maggiore is a basilica in Venice, Italy designed by Andrea Palladio and located on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore.

The first St George’s church dates back to the 8-9th century. In 982 the whole island was donated to a Benedictine monk, who founded the adjacent monastery. The present church was begun in 1566, and was not entirely finished before the death of Palladio in 1580. The façade was continued by Vincenzo Scamozzi based on the original architect's designs and completed in 1610.

I captured this scene before sunrise and the weather was on my side ;-) By the way, you can visit the church and there is an elevator to the top of the bell tower….. and you can overloock the entire lagoon of Venice ;-)

Enjoy it.


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